Where am I??

Saturday, May 23, 2009

responsible travelling-- giving.

i thought this was kinda helpful. the trickiest one about giving money to beggers is always a tough one... i pretty much thought this stuff already... but im glad someone´s put this together!

jungle fever

hey... its been a while since ive updated my blog...

im in a little mountain town called Boquete in the far west of Panama... i went white water rafting for the first time the other day. Grade 4. Awesome!

Other adventures have included crossing the border into Costa Rica and going to the Corcovado National Park. I saw the most amazing animals and my favourite MASSIVE blue butterflies. Went on a 12km hike and saw beautiful Jurassic Park styled wilderness... took a horseback tour to a waterfall in the jungle...

I went to the Panama - one of the locks... called Miraflores...week as well. It was FASCINATING! Alot of political influence from the U.S. Plus its right near Panama City. Believe it or not, it actually reminded me of Hong Kong. It has highrises and had small freeways much like Hong Kong, except without the massive amounts of people.

Other adventures including renting a scooter and driving around Boquete. A visit to an animal shelter called "Paradise Gardens" with the COOLEST birds including rehabilitating Toucans... one which had a fetish for biting your feet... although we met some VERY strange people there... an older lady wearing leopard skin outfit (go figure) basically trying to make love 'cuchee coo' styled fetish with an anteater. hmmm.

also... there was an 'enforced' donation of $5USD to the refuge... WHA?! Thanks for that...

Anyhoo... where to next? You will find out...

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

panamania!!! "rocky" balboas

im going to panama! yay!

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

swine flu

its all a bit of hype. http://www.who.int/csr/don/2009_05_04a/en/index.html

missional living¿

a little bit preachy, but it puts into words about just being a good person methinks. here

is heading to Panama!


Saturday, May 02, 2009

i quit.

yes thats right.

i was paid 140Quetzales short... mi el hefe (boss) said money was stolen and well... all the staff got paycuts this week.


BAck to the drawing board...

ps. i think i might need to leave antigua and come back for jo and victors wedding. im getting antigua fever... need to get out of here!