what is with visiting canberra and crazy antics?? Margie and I took a 'drive' to cockington green monday arvo... it closed at 4:15... but we thought we'd go cruise over considering daylight saving makes you think 7pm is actually 3pm in the afternoon! I LOVE IT!
We encountered: local sheep (margie's nickname is 'Sheepy' c/o- Jason- her b/friend! :D), a crappy dinosaur (lets call him DINO), great 'country club' signs... beautiful flowers and poppies :D , and scary new housing developments (cardboard cutouthomes) in 'gunghalin'... a new suburb in canberra!! We didnt get to see inside the miniature world of Cockington green (such childhood memories!) this time, (it costs $15!!) but perhaps next time!!! We enjoyed the drive to this historic litle place!... (its pretty dinky, but thats alllllllll good!)... perhaps next time... ' 3 for fun in canberra ticket!'!!
'trying to blend in with the flowers!!' :P
DINNER for Margie and I was FISH AND CHIPS!! THEY WERE AWESOME! 2 lots of Fishand chips, 1/2 dozen POTATO SCALLOPS and 1/2 dozen CALAMARI RINGS! The guy taking our order double checked to see if it was just for us! i gave him a straight face and said YES!!!!! ( considering i missed out on MND- sorry Jatin & Lou! but i think they enjoyed the 'time alone' with their 'guitar lesson'.... haha just teasing guys!! i know you missed my yellow ass!!!! hahahahah) YUM!!
Other adventures last week... was a Beverley Hills 90210 style reunion with friends i havent seen in AGES..... (apparently its Jamie, Dani and I combined- the asians!!-- the girl 2nd from the right)... hahah
We hung out at the 'Firestation' at Northsydney... an old haunt of the vanny in the north sydney working days... but it was great to see Jamie, Dougs, Pip and Dave, Jane, Edo + Kath & Skins! ... I even got to hear about Dave's band 'Revive' they're launching their 2nd album... they're way cool--- i'm going to plug them on the blog... check them out at their myspace website...
Also, to complete the Vanny gets fit for summer... (and to celebrate ending the 60 day non-chocolate eating/ice-cream consuming Fast).... I went Kayaking at Manly on Saturday with my dear friend WHITNEY (not houston... but she's from Houston TX!)!! It was hard work... but way fun!!
Also--- to end this EPIC blog update..... SPOT THE HIDDEN MESSAGE from the ACTION PAINT BALL WEBSITE!!! (Jatin's styling this cool site!) YAY!!!