Where am I??

Friday, August 18, 2006

I love the GC/Brisvegas!!

for all my imaginary/ real 'cyberspace' friends that may occasionally tap in to read this ever so educational blog on the minivan... where have i been?

i've just gotten back from my business trip to GC/Brisvegas... now, i know everyone has some kind of weird concept of those banana benders, but you know what? its SOOO nice up there! This was my 2nd trip, and 1st trip up there on my own just cruisin the streets for DSE and other electronic's stores, and well, the SUN was shining, it was SO nice! Work was really fun! And in fact, our sales are doing well up there... great feedback! and we're battling it with aussiegrown conglomerate... telstra!

anyhooo... aside from van taking on the big guys (being such a little person and all)


needless to say, i am quite tired from the trip, and was SO relieved that there was actually a BATHTUB in the hotel!!!! Southbank was actually quite a nice little place... anyhoo... just plain excited there was a bath... (makes such a difference!)

... these trips i can tend to go on the lazy/ easy / not enough time to grab something decent to eat excuse... i had 3 divine fresh cinnamon donuts for lunch today (so nutricious!) oooh, the girl even undercharged me... (i saved 10c!!) and gave me 3 instead of 2 (i ordered 2...) because she said they turned out a 'bit' smaller!?! what the? they looked fine to me... and i was just excited because i think it was finally 'my day' with the donuts!!! haha...

ok, enough rambling for now, will post photos of random things soon!!


ok... i couldnt wait.. here is a random picture of some woman being dressed in krispy kremes? what the? (looks like NYC?)

1 comment:

Manolo Blah Blah said...

I think that donut costume photo was from Rove Live - years ago they sent a girl there to be dressed in donuts in the middle of Times Square, as a challenge. THAT is why that man won a Logie.