Where am I??

Monday, February 26, 2007

Storms of Life...

Hey dudes, the Van has been swamped with 'life' of late...and well... its all good!!!

Aside from one of my dear sister's moving her life to Holland to be with her 'man' forever... I am sad, yet so excited for her happiness in making such a huge decision to leave life and home in Sydney, to enjoy the fruits of Europe! haha... I reminded her... that her fashion sense has to improve to embrace the 'euroglam' not 'eurotrash' element... ahhh... european fashion! where men wear skivvies without persecution and berets without being coined 'gay'... unless you call it 'gai paris'... haha... did you ever see that old film? too funny...

anyhoo... life for the travelling salesman, missing sal-lee's blog in the far west ( as opposed to the far east... where im from?! :P)...

work is almost killing me at the moment, but there are good things happening. strange how you have to go through the desert to get to the oasis... isnt it? I know there always IS a light at the end of the tunnel... thank GOD!!!

(hence why i have not posted of late)

aside from fantastic news from 2 of my bestest friends in the whole wide world (margie+jason, kirryn+toby) announcing their engagements in the past couple of weeks... there is LOVE in the air... and well... im STOKED for them!!

In the meantime, i have actually been unfaithful to my own blog... have had too much to do... to think... change... pray about of late... i have been looking after a new blog-- for my dear friends at Northside Community Church :D http://cgcremorne.blogspot.com/

how do you guys handle life when it gets tough?

i pray.


its the only way to stay sane in a world that changes to quickly and rapidly... how do you stay calm in the storm?

Jesus himself calmed the storm... and told his disciples that 'ye of little faith' when they freaked out-- they thought they were going to drown on the boat while JC himself was still 'busy sleeping'...

All he had to do was SAY to the storm.. ' Be STILL'....

If that isnt amazing. I dont know what is.

But as a 'christian'... God promises that we too can trust him to calm our own 'stormy' lives...

Im SOOO glad!!

I dont know of anything better. Hope in what we cannot see and Faith is what gets me through each day.

Faith to know that when i wake up each morning, the sun will be up... whether its shining in the bright blue sky or hidden behind storm clouds... i have faith that when i wake up... its not still dark! (although i must say that i have been getting up very early as now a newly morning person... i get up to exercise at balmoral beach at 6am a couple of mornings a week!! shamon! crazy!)..

oh... exercise is a HUGE factor in stress release too... for those lazy asses... (i was once one too)... i highly recommend going for a walk.

there is nothing like beating the 'blues' with going for a massive stinky sweaty jog to my favourite running spot of the moment... cremorne point. there is an awesome track that sal-lee in fact showed me when I moved in here... gee i miss the tanner!! and our 'romance' spot while eating Ole burgers... oh... that was fun!!

anyhoo... enough reminiscing...

Im outta here!

slater peeps.

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