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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Is Bunnings a New Aussie Religion?

I would have to say.... this article in SMH sums it up... here
and it does make a mention of good ol' Hillsong.

Personally.. I love God AND i love Bunnings! Is that blasphemous? Idolatry??

oh dear :P

1 comment:

Gee said...

MATE!! Great blog!

I love Bunnings - I can spend hours in the store - and I'm proud to say I've lost weekends in the store - and I live in an apartment ...

It IS like a religion - I know people who go there every weekend, at least one day per weekend, browsing through the aisles, closely examining all the whatsits and whatchamacallits and thingamigics that sit gleaming on the shelves. I've heard people praying for guidance in their search for the whatnot they're looking for. I've seen people drop to their knees in praise when they unearth a new gadget they had not seen in their previous trips down the same aisles in the store.

I have personally experienced the sound of angels sighing when after 2 hours of browsing, I finally found the aisle containing shower heads - not just one shelf of shower heads but a whole aisle - 16 shelves of shower heads with different functions and colours and water saving features. It was like an epiphany when I finally decided on the shower head with 6 different water streams in the chrome colour I wanted to match the existing fixtures in my shower.

I'm off to Bunnings this weekend for some shelves for my garage. I can't wait to wander through those hallowed halls again.