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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Geek VS Nerd


My mate from work summed it up perfectly.... ( i never knew the actual distinction/ difference between Geeks Vs Nerds...) haha... i'm sure some of you dear friends know which category you belong to!! :P :P

==== by Theo====

Whats the difference… Ha

A geek is some one that knows PC, networks and all that sort of stuff, however also could be expected to be seen night clubbing, DJ ing, might have even have a turn table out back somewhere, enjoys snow boarding on weekends just for the hell of it. Is comfortable with women and themselves, may or may not have studied Karma sutra or Tantra. This is the stereotype scenario of the Geek, basically the guy (or girl) that you want to hang with on Saturday night.

The Nerd on the other hand, is your traditional coke bottle glasses smart person. Is as competent in to ways of PC as the Geek but lacks social skills, Nerds may often be scene Quoting entire episodes of Starwars, will often speak Klingon (see Star trek) may have read about girls a great deal and may even have a cyber girlfriend or girlfriends, this should in no way be construed as being socially adapt however as the Nerd will often, when put in the social spotlight of interaction with a member of the opposite sex, will often break out in cold sweats or heat rashes.


Which one are you? I'd like to think i'm more of a GEEK. But i have often referred to myself as a NERD (you should see my glasses when i'm not wearing contacts!) and Yes!(i know Klingon!!)... and i LOVE STARWARS!!

oh dear....


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