Where am I??

Monday, January 22, 2007

B2W (Back2Work) Monday blues...

Ok... Peeps
Distraction city ( i dont know what is wrong with my hyperlinks... they're not all working, and i dont have time to fix em! & cos i should be concentrating on actual proper 'work'... i suggest you can cut and paste the links yourselves if you so desire! sorry dear blog readers!)


This is a beach in Aruba... updated regularly!! To see what we're missing out on... while we're at work... gotta love watching the beach on a computer while stuck in the office...

Also... if you're really bored... join in the celebrity sweepstakes by predicting which old dudes will 'cark' it this year.. prize money is $2007(US) i think! www.stiffs.com

or if you want to see how dumb some people can be (a car thief dude that stole a gas station attendants car and then came back an hour later back to the same gas station to fill up?!) DUH!! www.clumsycrooks.com/index.php STUPID is as STUPID does!!

If you want to see a funny animated video with a dancing monkey (what is with dancing monkey's always guaranteeing laughs?) check this out... its about beer drinking... http://www.rathergood.com/first_drink/

of if you're like my friend Kerry who has the strangest phobia about people chewing woolen cuffs off their jumper? what the ? (i have no idea)... check out http://www.unusualphobias.com/Phobias.html

for cat lovers that like to put 'stuff' on their cats... (heck, i thought I was weird!!) http://www.stuffonmycat.com/

ok. enough crap... these websites have been found via this desk calendar i have called ' wacky websites...'...

such a productive monday!!

slater peeps.

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