Compassion International... the organisation that does awesome things... like organizes sponsor programs for children in need... has just announced to me that YES. I can visit my sponsor child! (this is an often arduous process that takes months to prepare and get approval and national security police checks that i have had to pay for... and you should have seen the relief on my face when the letter came back from the federal police that i am not a criminal!! which i knew was the case, but you know... you never know!!!!)
Relief is all around and i am happy once again and the good news (its an exciting proposition, but has been quite stressful...)
for those that are reading my blog or bothering (i havent posted in ages... which is a good and bad sign)..
a) i've been way preoccupied settling into my new job! Go AG!
b) i've been hibernating as a result of the cold and personal blogging at work is not always a good look and my internet connection (free wireless) is currently non- existent at home which is a good and bad thing... so something must be done about it!!
c) i just havent had anything too exhilirating or stupid enough to post!
For those that may read...
my sponsor Child Wanyana Christine lives south of Kampala, Uganda, Africa in a little town called Kipala.
She has just turned 14 years old and i've been sponsoring her since she was 11.
It is a humbling experience to say the least and one that I really value.
When this young girl writes to me and says things like ' Thank you for my birthday sponsor gift, i bought red shoes, school books a dress and a goat for my family'... these sorts of things just blow me away!!!'
a GOAT for goodness sakes!!! its amazing what a humble $50 a month will do in this little person's life.
i wish i could buy a Goat for $50?!
Anyhoo,... i found this quote on Nelson Mandela quite inspiring... we can all make a difference in our corners of the world...
"Like slavery and apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made, and can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings." Nelson Mandela
Which by the way... i want to see the movie...Amazing Grace
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