Where am I??

Monday, August 27, 2007

tiredness, recovery from the flu and joy

im tired.

i was meant to go to my 'mandarin' class. no, not to peel oranges, but the national language/ official mother tongue of china. the homeland.

yes, i'm pisstaking.

but no, i'm not joking about the china bit!

i didnt particularly feel like repeating ' this is a pen'... ' this is not my brother'... ' my school bag has 3 books inside'... in chinese.

boo hoo.

whinge whinge...

i think there are too many things going on in my life at the moment for one little minivan to process.

1) the salmeist is thinking of selling the rangies
2) i'm going to africa in just over 4 weeks (to build houses for watoto.com and to visit my sponsor child compassion.org)
3) some of my bestest friends are moving overseas... for at least 12 months
skins, frenchie, asha... in the next few months... and well... i shall focus on the dear friends that will be in the country... however, i cant help but think a piece of me will be left slightly emptier because of their abscence... but thank the Lord for the internet!?! which helps us all keep in touch, but still... i cant help but think the internet for me, is just a poor excuse for communicating sometimes... typing out thoughts just aint the same as a telephone call or a real hug, let alone a 'superpoke' or a 'give a beer to ____' hahahahah.


anyhoo... so its monday, and i'll whinge that i have over-committed in my chinese class for mondays for the rest of the year...

i just thought it might help me order yum cha in mandarin instead of canto...

oh well!

the flu for me, is almost fully gone... today is the first monday i havent completely wanted to dry wretch at the thought of having to go to work.... (and yes, i am enjoying it, but boy was today boring!)

work is overrated to say the least...

but despite my whinginess, and missing my sister's overseas and my mother flying to hawaii for another holiday...

i will take hold of this time of uncertainty to be reminded of what's really important...

my appetite.

i still have my appetite.

thats got to be a good sign!!!!!!

thats all from me peeps.

God bless!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And there's always snail mail....

I'm gonna miss you too Van!!

I am very happy about your appetite though. Very very important.
