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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

coping with life

i've decided that the word 'coping' sounds like you're barely scraping it.

thats how i've felt.

have i ever announced on my blog that i've had/got/hate having depression?

now... thats an announcement and a half!

who that is reading my blog (or cares) actually know that i suffer from the pains of the illness? and no, you cant just 'snap' out of it... its not just 'i felt blue today'and e.thing is backto normal next day.

depression is a drawn out process that sucks the living life out of you... for me, it is triggered by a series of stressful life events.

when/ if / hopefully you wont have to bear the carnage of stressful events that have occurred in my life these past 3-6+ months!

quitting job... no job.... searching job... new job.... relationship starting & ending.... stressful outcomes to events i have no control of (will not bore or divulge here)... moving house... moving back 'home'.... going to AFRICA for the first time...
ok. that within 3-6 months has been more than i could bear.
i've been pretty darn sick...

anyways... i think i'm on the mend.

i'm on a strict regimen of walking at 7am for 1/2 hour everyday... its a habit i must form to get me 'out' of this blueness... exercise stimulates the lower doses of dopamine in the brain which makes you 'feel good'... hence why you usually feel good after a session at the gym or physical activity!

anyhoo... thats a good start. lets hope i can make it!

having supportive friends help and i recommend going to www.livinglifetothefull.com for some useful/ helpful life strategies and tips...

i wonder if my announcement has surprised anybody.

oh well.. i dont even know who reads my blog these days, so depending on how quickly i churn out these entries, if you dont read this particular entry, then you wont know about it!

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