Where am I??

Saturday, November 03, 2007

tired again. my back clicked like the hokey spokeys on a bike!

is it me? or is it work? or the stress of having to move house?
im thankful i can have my mum's place to move to, however, not looking forward to having to physically move the contents from my apt and sell off all the various goods i dont need... (ugh)

i went to my chinese doctor today. yes he speaks chinese and no, he doesnt include free yum cha!

well. he said my back must have been 'this bad' for quite some time. when he did his usual remedial massage-- which by the way, is one of the most physically painful but necessary forms of back manipulation... the twisting and back pressure and stretching... made my back... when it cracked, sound like a freakin fire cracker! it was pretty bad..... my spine is meant to be realigned now.

i'm still stiff, sore and tired though. so no points there.

moving house? :( boo....i think i'll just need to get on with it once my body recovers. i think thats where all the energy has been sapped from.... lack of oxygen to one's brain due to bad back has caused me to suffer all kinds of weird and wonderful pains!

not happy jan! procrastination doesnt help...

ps. gee- thanks for your comment. i think my happyness 'mood' is fleeting. i'm just tired and grumpy again!!

pps. trying to 'choose joy'... whatever that means!!!

ppps. missing all my furry friends that are living far away-- or have moved overseas in recent times or will be!!!!!! not naming names... i'm quite sad& upset!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey chicken, big hugs to you, my darling.

G xx
