Where am I??

Friday, December 12, 2008


I keep checking the time when it happens to be 1;11. whether thats AM or PM doesnt matter.

now that im attempting to be less ethereal (thanks for that david).

i cant sleep.


and because im being less ethereal, i'll just blame it on the heat. thats it. its too hot. i cant sleep.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Van, sorry to hear about your job loss, hope job gain comes soon. I just stumbled upon your blog again and it made me laugh out loud, which made Mike curious, so I have been quoting it outloud! Just thought I would share the weirdness of noticing the clock at 1:11- i remember all through year 12 I kept looking at the clock and it would be 11:11 and then at Uni- 2:22.... all the time- I swear almost everyday! There's a glitch in the matrix...
Thanks for sharing ST Francis' prayer- A great reminder and encouragement.