Where am I??

Monday, December 08, 2008


2 more weeks til work closes.

this is the first time in years that im actually quite looking forward to the break.

i still am enjoying my job.

what i have learnt though is... you are what you think.

one must capture negative thoughts and toss them in the bin before you get on what i call a 'negative death spiral'.

its kind of comical when you think of a 'death spiral'. a little melodromatic methinks.


seniors christmas concerts on tomorrow and thursday.

over 40,000 seniors will descend to the entertainment centre over the next 2 days.

HOT! haha. not.

zimmer frames, hip replacements, hunched backs galore.

our ageing population is certainly growing.

cant wait!

1 comment:

Gee said...

I'll have you know I'm one of those old folks, and I'm hot! ;-p