Where am I??

Saturday, March 08, 2008

donkervoorting around

ok, so i watched some funny show called 'mega... (something, oh, i forget the name) on 7 HD tonite. my brother in law and sis has this massive flatscreen tv and well... it was enough to peake my interest when the show was doing a feature on 'the netherlands'. yes, its where my other sister michelle has moved to and aside from fascinating descriptions on the worlds largest factory for flowers (the size of monaco apparently)... the show introduced me to a somewhat catchy name of 'my new favourite car'... the donkervoort

aside from the fact that its freakin hilarious name... i couldnt help but laugh at the descriptions on the show. but i guess you had to be there. stupid design feature... while totally disregarding the fact that the netherlands is infamous for its rain... and yet, all the 50 handmade vehicles created each year in their workshop... (except 1 model)... are CONVERTIBLES? but... it has its pluses... the fact that the vehicle is 270horsepower and are now fitted with an audi engine and based off a lotus 7 (noice, noice)... yet, this DUMKEVORT is more dud than dude.

ok. the dutch might like the colour orange (which to me is pretty cool) -- so i'll let them off this one. and i'll remember to pick up a set of clogs for y'all when i head to holland to buy my eyes out in tulips, clogs, my rain jacket and my new donkervoort. (pronounced donk- kere- vort)

love it. or shall i say in dutch.... liefde het.

goede nacht xo

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