Where am I??

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Peeps--- some of these pics are embarassing, if not just darn messy!
They are a collaboration of Fels, Lous and Van's photos... they are
NOT in chronological order... but i'm sure dear blog readers, that you are clever enough to figure that all out!!!

WE HAD FUN. so THanks to the Peeps that came and joined in the frivolity!!!
HOPE YOU HAD FUN TOO! if you missed out on the party... click on the link to find out what you missed out!

Other highlights of the evening included:

my 'baby' blow up pool aka- massive eski
kim beazley as santa
food galore!! i heard my fried risotto balls went down a treat
fairy bread was popular
chips werent
sausage sizzle went orf! (thanks to our neighbour steve)
the tarp kept all dry
my hammock was a hit with the party guests
rudolph the red nosed pinata got killed

Post rockin rangies party at SOHO in the cross consisted of 'gate crashing' some 'company christmas party'... HILARIOUS!! (we're from the 'accounts department!' hahaha)

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