Where am I??

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

monday nite vegetarians and meatlovers.... and thats just the people!

ok dudes... jatin, sal-lee, ive got withdrawal symptoms with the thought of mondee nite dinners going to be a thing of the past.. in the near future!
here are some 'time of your life' (aka bad greenday song) to sing along as you review the pics from last monday's great feast ala Jatin's refried beans and taco parties! (no real mexicans were harmed in the making of this fiesta).



Anonymous said...

Woe is me. I too will miss Monday night madness. But hey Van... if you want to we can always continue it with the new flatmate OR brendan... just a thought.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.