Where am I??

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


chewy gave a memorable eulogy.... we will miss you mini-me! you had such a great life.... sorry it had to end so soon :(

tell me what happened!! I didnt even realise until lou goes... what is that?
tell me dear blog readers...
did my fish...
  1. a) commit fishy suicide (he had enough of life and leaped to his own water free death)?
  2. b) got 'pushed' by austin ( my siamese fighting fish) out of the water because the water level was now high enough to kill him?
  3. c) got transported by alien life form and somehow landed 10cm out of the tank?

Post your theories in the comments folks!!

Here is the evidence of the death! AHHHHH!!! SO SAD!!!!!!!!!!!! Lou had to clean him out for me... i didnt like the thought of having to scrape him up!!! AH!!!!!!!!! looks like he had enough of life.... wanted to be 'free' ....

is austin guilty???

how did he get there from the tank??????? did he leap to his death??

does austin look guilty??

man... that was a heck of leap!!!!!!! poor thing :(

No humans were harmed in the making of this footage!


Anonymous said...


I've heard of Siamese Fighting Fish jumping out of bowls as being a fairly common thing...maybe Austin was telling him about it and the lil one decided to give it a go?
Or he could be doing a Nemo. "All drains lead to the sea"???

Sorry to hear that hon!

I got something I JUST found to cheer you up though!


Christie said...

They are good jumpers. I had a cover on my betta tank with a tiny hole the size of a quarter where the heater wasn't quite blocking it. It managed to jump through the hole, onto the floor and wedged itself under a piece of furniture. It was very sad. Sometimes they jump for no reason, but often it can indicate a poor water quality. Might be a good idea to do an ammonia test. Sorry about your fishy.

Anonymous said...

Austin Did it! I've seen the way he used to look at mini me. I reckon he got the army of snails involved to, they're slow but they're sly...look how they are taking over the tank!

RIP mini me

Manolo Blah Blah said...

Vanny that's terrible! I've heard rumours that some fish commit suicide but I've never heard a first-hand story til now. I'll investigate it on the net and make it my mission to find out why fish like Mini-me feel there's no other option than to leap to their death. Assuming that is, that Mini-Me commited suicide. Do we need to get the Law and Order SVU team in on this? Do you think Mini-me met with foul play, possibly of the feline variety?

Or maybe he was just a fan of whoever it was who was up against Damo on Aus Idol!

Anonymous said...

Sorry about Mini-me Vanny :( My cousins had a fish that did the same thing - only he managed to jump onto the window sill in the sun and bake on, but he lived. My cousins came home, popped him back in the tank (minus the skin down one side) and he managed to live for 5 more years...(henceforth he was known as 'Blacky'). It did sound rather painful though - it may be better that Mini-me did not suffer the same fate...

Anonymous said...

i think darth maul got to him before chewy made it on the scene... either that or it was lou... there's blood on someones hands thats for sure!

Vanora F said...

thanks for all your condolences peeps.
even for professional advice from christie!!! (who are you?) :P

I think that just like paula yates denied michael hutchence died from suicide (we all knew what THAT meant)... i think mini-me did in fact leap to his own nemo style freedom swim to the 'oxygenated lack of h20' world that us humans live in... the ZION of the matrix... it aint the pretty... theres not a lot of air.. and well... thats what happens when you live outside the square you live in!
love yas! :(