Where am I??

Thursday, June 14, 2007

living vicariously through ---British Touring Car Champions-


i'm currently posted at the dept of water & nrg. ok. i'm writing in bad acronym/ txt talk because i dont want to be incriminated!!

anyhoo. all is not lost (aside from my brain)

but my dear 'job share' lass here. jack jack jackie, a lovely backpacker from (you guessed it) england... just revealed to me today that her best friend is married to none other than -- (no, you wouldnt have guessed, because i have no idea who he is...)

none other than a BTCC (british touring car champion) Jason Plato

apparently her friend sophie-- who she has known since she was 11 ... is only 24 and married old silverFox jason (36)... just last september....

jackie had originally changed her 'backpacking' adventures to accomodate the wedding which was meant to be early sept... but then... i guess with his private jet and his MILLIONS... they changed it to late sept... and jackie had already orge -anised her flights with her boyf etc etc... and well... she missed the wedding!!

crazy story. but heck. its a slow day here at the department! and even if the story is completely bogus...

which i doubt.

becos jackie says her friend sophie is on facebook- so SHE must exist!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember the day - lovely couple and with a baby on the way, I wish them all the best.