Where am I??

Friday, February 29, 2008

decisions decisions.

how does one go about making (potentially) life changing decisions?

do we make decisions without even thinking... that could be potentially life changing? (i.e. taking a different route home on the bus, walking a different way... getting mugged, getting hit by a car... gee this is just a bit of negative vibing!)

ok. so the MV in her attempts at recovering from a tumultuous 2007... is embarking on being a little more careful with her decision making.

oftentimes i have jumped into things without much forethought. i often think 'YES' this is what i want... and before i get a chance to even say.... woah woah woah... im already in the thick of something... i am referring to work/ job committments for one. relationships is a whole nother kettle of fish.

a lot of this has to be about saying 'no' which means 'yes' to something else... and vice versa.

i think the thing that has dawned on me most these days is that well...

its true that you reap what you sow. what you put in is what you get out.

ok. so i'm just rambling.

priority setting. im going to take this offline and go do that now.

lets see if this helps with these offers of work.
swimming teaching. temping in northsydney. looking for full-time work in the Not-for-Profit sector. I really really really would love to work for a NFP project. Preferably with NGO development...

lets seeeeeee....

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