Where am I??

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

going digital

one thing i'm doing in preparation of flogging many of my posessions at rozelle markets this saturday (hopefully)- i gotta secure a spot first...

is the whole getting my cd collection on the itunes and subsequently selling the original disc.

im on this decluttering rampage. i love it.

its kinda like a safer version of bullimia for hoarders. (ok, that was a terrible analogy) but i think you know what i mean.

they reckon if you can visualise what youd like to be living like... how the space makes you feel, what it would look like... it healps you let go of the crap. its getting easier.

there are some tough calls on some seriously daggy but trusty jumpers. but you know... there are plenty of others that would appreciate it (or not)... perhaps i shouldnt subject vinnies to my bad taste of wardrobe faux pas.

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