Where am I??

Thursday, May 31, 2007

have we aged??

l-r (kath, mammafungster, ivan, me & mich)

this is a funny pic my sister kath dug up... it was taken when the fams and i went to do a bridgeclimb... circa 2001... when my sister shaz & matt got married. ( i sound so bogan!)
anyhoo... according to my 2yearold nephew (soon to be 2-- going on 20!)... he recognised kath and called out 'yee yee'! (chinese term for 'younger aunty')... awww...

so has us chongs aged at all??

scary thought. i dont think i look much different! perhaps my hair has grown?? :P ha!

Perhaps mum's 'shady' shades is indicative of the era... she has alot 'groovier' glasses of late! ha! and she's not wearing her 'like a tiger' t-shirt! :P

compare with previous post with pic taken with my sisters

1 comment:

Manolo Blah Blah said...

Such a nice photo Vanny! You guys look like you need your own sitcom. I'd watch it!